Our Team
Adam G. Dickinson, BBA, AACI, P.APP.
With nearly 20 years in the field, Adam is a respected real estate expert, providing valuable advice to government, business, and individual clients. Adam received his Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute...
Gary L. Tobin, BA, CRA, P.APP
Gary has experience appraising a wide variety of properties including townhouses, garden homes, condominium units and luxury/executive homes. He had provided expert advice related to estates, division of marital assets,...
Kelly D. Parker, CRA, P.APP
Kelly provides client focused residential appraisal services, helping lenders, borrowers and property owners understand her well researched analyses. In 2013, Kelly was granted the use of the CRA (Canadian Residential...
Adam Thorne, BComm, AIC Candidate Member
Adam entered the appraisal industry in October of 2021. He began his candidacy in February of 2022 after completing the prerequisites. He is currently in the process of finishing the...
David D. Babineau, AACI (Fellow), P.APP.
David is retired from active practice, but continues to advise our team on select files. He is a respected expert in land valuation as it relates to expropriation, ecological gifts,...